May Greetings!
May we honor mothers and nurturers in this month of Mother’s Day in particular, and all year long.
May we make time each day to connect with nature in whatever way is possible.
Read the full May newsletter here
May we accept the gift of restorative energy from Mother Earth and in return offer the gifts of respect, care and protection.
May we step up to support environmental improvement efforts with our time, talent and treasure and make individual commitments to positive changes that will benefit the natural world, for collectively we can turn the tide.
May we recognize that nature is our common ground, where all ages and every manner of diversity are welcome, and where we connect on this most essential level to discern that at our core we are more the same than different.
May we achieve lasting peace in our families, work places, communities, nation and world by first finding peace in our hearts.
May our excellent team of staff, volunteers and supporters maintain their steadfast commitment to providing quality nature experiences for all ages as we wrap up our school year field trips and prepare for a busy summer of camps, while continuing our year-round offerings of Wild Florida eco-excursions and daily immersive campus visitations.
May we go forth and do great things for humankind and our shared planet!
Happy May everyone. We hope to see you soon here at your ELC.